Cape Rienga

Cape Rienga

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Welcome Home

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

First Kiwi off and away...

well, almost. I head out Weds morning and will be up past midnight no doubt, trying to make everything perfect. Silly little things, like... let's post something on the blog! So I'm new to blogs, forgive me if I mess it up. I'm Kim, owner of Downunder Kayaking, and leader of the first Downunder Adventures trip - Northland 2008. It's been a blast putting it together, and if you visit my website, the New Zealand page, you can download the actual itinerary. AND see what trips we're lining up for 2009. I'm very excited about this trip - it's an amazing group - 7 Americans, 2 Kiwis (me included), and 2 Aussies (take what we can get, aye). Keep checking back - we'll be uploading photos and hopefully video, as we go. Cheers, Kim


chelly said...

well done Kim...Have a great trip and I'll see you when you return...xo chelly

JBacal said...

Good job! See it's easy!